Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh god someone at Sony is gonna hit the roof!

The Onion have made this really, really funny spoof story on Sony's products. It's bound to come under a litigation soon so make sure you watch it before it is removed from the web.

Utterly brilliant!

Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work


  1. Richard - how do you find these great vids?? You are seriously spending far too much time on the net!

    It is absolute quality though and funny - too late for Sony to take it down - they'll just have to grin and bear it!!

  2. Hi Richard,

    How are you keeping pal? I worked with you at ALS in accounts alongside Mr.C.P!

    My name is Godwill, currently setting some business...I had a chat with Mr.C.P and he recommended that I get in touch with you for some help mate. So, if you have a moment, please forward me your email address if that is okay.

    My email address is mrgodwill@hotmail.com

    Many thanks,
