I've just started to read "The World is Flat" by Thomas L Friedman. Just got through the first 100 pages and it's been a long haul.
If you've read this blog before, I'm guessing you haven't, you'll know I am a man of few, long, words. I ramble but the words are easy.
The ideas in the first section are rally opening my eyes to a lot of what I already do in my day to day work. I sure you do too.
Although I'm chained to Microsoft windows (when I long for my Mac back), I already use a lot of the remote software Tomo, as I call him, talks about.
You're reading my blog, which is free courtesy of Google. It's hosted for free somewhere in the ether, just for me and millions of others to write what we feel like. I use Gmail, Google Earth, Google Analytics and Google Desktop (have you noticed a theme?).
At work I send my email campaigns using a site called Campaign Monitor. I'm in the UK, they bill me in US$ and they're based in Australia! The service blinds any commercial service I've used and it only costs me $0.01 per email.
My own company has it's IT team based in Bulgaria, so my web designer (who's great, well done Viktor) works in the former communist block. This really is the walls come down.
As I said I've only done 100 pages and could do without the VERY detailed description of all the protocols for the Internet and Web. But I'm going to continue and let you know how it goes. I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot and hopefully share it too.
P.S. Tomo has a great Magnum tash!
The Future of News Looks Niche
10 hours ago